Affordable Mercedes-Benz E350 Insurance in Durham

Insurance quote for Mercedes-Benz E350 in DurhamThe best way we recommend to get more affordable Mercedes-Benz E350 insurance in Durham is to start doing a yearly price comparison from different companies in North Carolina.

An important note is that you use similar coverage information on each price quote and and to look at all possible companies. This enables an accurate price comparison and plenty of rates choose from.

Smart shoppers know that car insurance companies don’t want their customers to go rate shopping. Drivers who shop around for the cheapest price are likely to buy a different policy because they have good chances of finding a lower rate. A recent survey found that consumers who shopped around saved $3,500 over four years as compared to drivers who never compared prices.

If finding the cheapest price on auto insurance is why you’re here, learning how to shop for coverages can make it easier to find better rates.

The best way to compare rate quotes for Mercedes-Benz E350 insurance in Durham is to understand most of the larger companies participate in a system to quote your coverage. The one thing you need to do is take a few minutes to give details including if a SR-22 is needed, how many miles driven, your credit rating estimate, and if it has an alarm system. Those rating factors is then sent to many highly-rated insurers and you get price estimates with very little delay.

To start a rate quote now, click here and enter your zip code.

The car insurance companies shown below provide comparison quotes in Durham, NC. If you wish to find cheaper auto insurance in Durham, we suggest you visit two to three different companies to get a more complete price comparison.

Why insurance is not optional

Even though it can be expensive, insurance is required for several reasons.

The benefits of carrying adequate insurance are definitely more than the cost, particularly if you ever have a claim. But the average driver in North Carolina is currently overpaying as much as $865 each year so you should quote and compare rates each time the policy renews to ensure rates are competitive.

Rates and data analysis

The rate information shown next showcases detailed analysis of insurance policy prices for Mercedes-Benz E350 models. Having a better understanding of how auto insurance premiums are figured can help you make informed decisions.

Mercedes-Benz E350 Insurance Rates in Durham, NC
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
E350 2-Dr Coupe $224 $448 $278 $16 $84 $1,050 $88
E350 4-Dr Sedan $248 $402 $216 $12 $64 $942 $79
E350 with 4-MATIC 4-Dr Sedan $248 $402 $216 $12 $64 $942 $79
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Data based on single male driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $500 deductibles, and North Carolina minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include homeowner, multi-policy, claim-free, safe-driver, and multi-vehicle. Rates do not factor in specific Durham garaging location which can lower or raise coverage prices substantially.

Higher deductibles save money

A question often asked by Durham drivers is the level to set your comp and collision deductibles. The tables below summarize the costs and benefits between high and low policy deductibles. The first table uses a $100 deductible for physical damage and the second data table uses a $1,000 deductible.

Mercedes-Benz E350 insurance premium rates with $100 deductibles
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
E350 2-Dr Coupe $270 $662 $212 $12 $64 $1,245 $104
E350 4-Dr Sedan $298 $594 $164 $10 $50 $1,141 $95
E350 with 4-MATIC 4-Dr Sedan $298 $594 $164 $10 $50 $1,141 $95
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Mercedes-Benz E350 insurance premium rates with $1,000 deductibles
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
E350 2-Dr Coupe $150 $350 $212 $12 $64 $788 $66
E350 4-Dr Sedan $164 $314 $164 $10 $50 $702 $59
E350 with 4-MATIC 4-Dr Sedan $164 $314 $164 $10 $50 $702 $59
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Prices above based on married male driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, and North Carolina minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-vehicle, claim-free, multi-policy, safe-driver, and homeowner. Premium amounts do not factor in vehicle location which can lower or raise auto insurance rates considerably.

Using the premium rates above, we can conclude that using a $100 deductible could cost the average driver approximately $37 more each month or $444 a year averaged for all E350 models than buying the higher $1,000 deductible. Due to the fact that you would have to pay $900 more if you turn in a claim with a $1,000 deductible as compared to a $100 deductible, if you usually have at a minimum 24 months between claim filings, you would probably come out ahead if you elect the higher deductible.

How to calculate deductible break even period

Average monthly premium for $100 deductibles: $98
Average monthly premium for $1,000 deductibles (subtract): – $61
Monthly savings from raising deductible: $37
Difference between deductibles ($1,000 – $100): $900
Divide difference by monthly savings: $900 / $37
Number of months required between physical damage coverage claims in order to save money by choosing the higher deductible 24 months

Impact of speeding/accidents on auto insurance rates

The diagram below illustrates how traffic citations and accident claims can affect Mercedes-Benz E350 insurance costs for different age groups of insureds. The premiums assume a single female driver, comp and collision included, $100 deductibles, and no policy discounts are applied.

Durham insurance discounts for a Mercedes-Benz E350

Auto insurance companies don’t list every discount in a way that’s easy to find, so the list below gives a summary of a few of the more common and the more hidden insurance savings.Cheaper insurance with discounts

Keep in mind that some of the credits will not apply to the overall cost of the policy. A few only apply to the price of certain insurance coverages like comprehensive or collision. So even though they make it sound like you would end up receiving a 100% discount, it doesn’t quite work that way. But all discounts will definitely lower your overall bill.

The information below illustrates the comparison of Mercedes-Benz E350 premium costs with and without some available policy discounts. The rate quotes are based on a male driver, no violations or claims, North Carolina state minimum liability limits, comprehensive and collision coverage, and $1,000 deductibles. The first bar for each age group shows premium with no discounts. The second shows the rates with multi-car, safe-driver, claim-free, multi-policy, marriage, and homeowner discounts applied.

If you would like to choose from a list of insurance companies who offer discounts in Durham, click here to view.